Mesh made of durable stainless steel

woven nets
Dodane: 2019-12-03 :: Kategoria: Produkcja / Inne Usługi

Are you looking for a proven manufacturer of steel construction elements? The production of this kind of elements is the specialty of our company Perfopol, which has been operating on the international market for years. We have extensive experience in the production of woven nets and similar products, and our specialized staff has at its disposal modern equipped production plants with high processing capacity. Our numerous customers can count on, among others, products such as, for example, perforated metal sheets. We make appropriate perforations thanks to large industrial presses, which means that even large orders can be completed by us in a short time. The offer of Perfopol on the international stage is certainly also distinguished by affordable prices. Our customers can count on woven nets at very competitive prices. We also create special constructions to order. These types of constructions are made of bent and welded steel pipes.

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